
Showing posts from July, 2018

Your website’s connection to Facebook is changing soon

Automatic sharing to Facebook Profiles will no longer be available. Hello collaredstriped, We wanted to update you about an upcoming change Facebook is introducing to their platform, and which affects how you may share posts from your website to your Facebook account. Starting August 1, 2018, third-party tools can no longer share posts automatically to Facebook Profiles. This includes Publicize, the WordPress.​com tool that connects your site to major social media platforms (like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook). Will this affect your ability to share content on Facebook? It depends. If you've connected a Facebook Profile to your site, then yes: Publicize will no longer be able to share your posts to Facebook. On the other hand, nothing will change if you keep a Facebook Page connected to your site -- all your content should still appear directly on Facebook via Publicize. (